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VIA Announces New Healthcare Accounts

By March 1, 2010No Comments

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VIA Announces New Healthcare Accounts




By United Language Group

VIA, a leading provider of healthcare translation and localization services, today announced that it has signed over a dozen healthcare clients in the first quarter. VIA now serves more than 400 healthcare organizations across the nation.

Some of the clients VIA has started working with include: Senior Whole Health, Commomwealth Care Alliance, Intel Digital Health Group, BCBS Minnesota, St. Jude Medical and UCare.

“We work with low-income seniors that require simplicity and security. Therefore, our messages must be very basic, easy to understand and the theme adaptable across all languages,” says Gabriel Martinez, Director of Corporate Marketing and Branding for Senior Whole Health. “Working with VIA enables us to achieve this goal. Not only do they truly understand what we are trying to accomplish, they also bring the expertise that ensures we are not losing the true essence of our message from culture to culture.”

Steve Vogeltanz, Vice President of Healthcare for VIA said “the recent customer additions prove that healthcare organizations are committed to improving language access to healthcare through better communication. Healthcare organizations face challenges to accommodate increasingly diverse patient populations; there are more 47 million people who speak a language other than English here in U.S. We offer a cost-effective solution along with an experienced translation team that ensures culturally-appropriate healthcare translation and in compliance with federal and state legislation.”


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