Today’s economy has never been more internationally based, and large companies can’t compete unless they’re conveying their message on a global scale.
Although the opportunity for economic growth is greater with a bigger market share, working across continents also puts more responsibility on companies to cater to non-native speakers. The idea that English is the official language of business is inaccurate, and not providing language assistance for employees hurts morale and adds inefficiencies to a company’s processes.
From translating training manuals to interpreting employee meetings, today’s businesses need to provide adequate language assistance to their global workers. Below are four situations that require either translators or interpreters in the global workplace.
1 . Training
An employee can’t succeed if he or she isn’t given the tools to do so. It’s important to provide job descriptions and requirements in a language that workers can understand and relate to.
Whether in hard copy or electronic form, these materials must not only be translated in more than one language, but also contain culturally-specific content for the audience being targeted. Creating accessible training materials will increase workers’ productivity and avoid confusion.
Digital training manuals have become a popular tool thanks to their convenience, but it’s still a good idea to hold face-to-face trainings for employees. In-person sessions allow for more back and forth between new employees and training managers.
2 . Compliance and Contractual Obligations
Compliance is a big deal in multinational business, and being able to effectively convey internal policies determines whether a company is able to meet industry standards. Accessible information that outlines regulatory standards, quality manuals and information security processes keeps non-native employees updated on compliance policy.
The need for multilingual translation also pertains to contractual obligations. Not only will employees have a better sense of what’s required when contracts are translated, it will also put companies in a better position to avoid lawsuits.
3 . Hiring and Termination
Meetings that address hiring or terminating an employee likely represent, respectively, the most exciting and trying situations for employers and members of their company. Because of this, strong communication between managers and their employees are vital in these scenarios.
Especially during a situation in which an employee is being terminated, it’s important to have language assistance available if necessary. If things get heated, the lack of an interpreter will likely exacerbate the situation.
4 . Employee Handbook
Employees have the right to understand how a business operates, including knowledge of company policies, processes, benefit information and paid time off options.
An inclusive workplace is one that offers the same opportunities for engagement to all employees, and translating a company handbook into the necessary languages allows all workers to understand a businesses’ processes and goals.
Equality Fosters Efficiency
In the United States, employers are prohibited from discriminating against employees on account of the language they speak through Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. But providing adequate language assistance in the human resources sector is about more than just abiding by federal law – it shows a willingness to accommodate different cultural groups and foster equality.
Employee productivity increases when language assistance is available, and a rise in productivity will likely lead to higher morale.
According to The Association for Talent Development, employers spent roughly $1,200 in 2015 on “direct learning expenditures.” With that stat in mind, employers should invest wisely in HR services for their employees, and that investment should include language assistance.