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Consider that 41% of adults and 55% of teens are using voice search every day and voice searches make up 20% of all mobile searches on Google. These numbers are only going to increase as voice recognition technology improves and virtual assistants become even more integrated into our daily lives.

When people use voice search, they’re usually looking for one answer, not a series of answers. That means that often there’s only one response read. With the stakes so high how can you ensure your content comes out on top? What if it’s being searched in another language? Here are four keys to successful voice search localization.

Align your content with how people in your target markets actually speak

Most voice search queries are conversational. If you want Google, Siri or Alexa to see your content as relevant, it must be written the way your target audience is asking.

This requirement presents challenges when localizing just for one country. Consider something as minimal as the regional words for soft drinks across the United States: soda, soda pop, pop, Coke. Voice search queries will vary even more across different countries. There’s a common saying that United States and the United Kingdom are “divided by a common language,” and those divisions are more evident when it comes to verbal communication.

Having marketing content translated adds another layer of complexity. Even when your content is optimized for voice search in English doesn’t mean it simply translates into another language. To outrank the competition, you must have your content translated (or at least post-edited) by translators who understand voice search in each specific market.

Optimize for the long tail

According to Search Engine Watch, “more than 70% of global searches are for long-tail keywords.” Long-tail keywords are search terms generally consisting of three words or more. Most voice searches are long-tail searches because searchers are seeking something specific rather than just general information.

Of course, you’ll want to make sure that marketing content is optimized for the most common long-tail searches in every market you enter.

Answer questions and optimize for snippets

Your content must do more than merely persuade your target customers. If you want Google, Alexa or Siri to send you voice search traffic, your content must answer relevant questions that users are asking.

With 75% of voice search results being snippets, optimizing your content to appeal to Google’s “featured snippet” algorithm is now more critical than ever.

Seek expert assistance

To succeed in markets around the world, all of your marketing content must be localized with voice search in mind. Your technical SEO also needs to be developed then tweaked to appeal to the specific search engine parameters of each target market.

If you’re ready to excel with voice search, consider seeking help from a language services provider that specializes in multilingual SEO, like Propio. To learn more, contact us today!