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Although the COVID-19 pandemic will be remembered as a global catastrophe, it also gave rise to worldwide cooperation in order to solve the biggest medical crisis in a century. While the world is not back to normal, astounding progress has been made in a short time. The pandemic, however, continues to have lasting effects on global medical research.

Fewer clinical trial participants

Although the United States is slowly recovering from the damage that the pandemic has caused, this is not the case for many other locations around the world where vaccination rates are much lower. In many areas, lockdown orders are still in place, and people may not yet feel comfortable leaving their homes to participate in a clinical trial with a group of people.

More trials studying covid-19

This may seem obvious, but many ongoing clinical trials are still studying COVID-19. Some are studying the long-term effects of COVID-19 on the blood, lungs, heart, and other systems. These COVID-related clinical trials will continue for a long time in order to gain a better understanding of the long-term effects of the disease.

Increased collaboration

After the impressive speed with which the world was able to come together in this time of desperate need, the medical community is inspired to make further gains in research that could change lives for the better. The result could be a continuation of this trend toward increased collaboration in clinical trials, which could fuel further revolutionary medical discoveries.

With increased collaboration comes an increased need for clinical trial materials to be available in various languages. Both translation—changing written words from one language to another—and interpretation—changing spoken words from one language to another—are necessary for worldwide collaboration on clinical trials. Propio provides both services so your business can keep its focus on the clinical trial itself.