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The Unspoken Language: ASL

By August 6, 2018January 27th, 2025No Comments

Sign Language is relatively underappreciated and under practiced considering the significant benefits it can hold. Hearing loss or “deafness” are not necessarily common, however just about 5% of the world’s population is affected by the condition.

Merriam Webster defines a “language” as words, their pronunciation, and the methods of combining them used and understood by a community. By this definition, ASL (or American Sign Language) seems to be an afterthought. However, ASL has consistently been one of the most studied languages at American universities, having the third highest enrollment rate among colleges in the United States

Because of this, perhaps we need to reevaluate the role ASL can play in our lives. Here is a compilation of several benefits that go hand in hand with learning and practicing ASL.

1. Helpful for brain development.

During a child’s infancy, it’s common for speaking to commence around the end of the infant’s second year. However, studies have shown that through simple signing (requests, verbalizing emotion, etc.), the baby can begin to respond and communicate even earlier! Similarly, infants that begin signing early on tend to have higher IQ’s than their counterparts several years later; sometimes, these disparities can be as high as 12 points.

2. ASL can be beneficial in unique situations.

Unfortunately, we are not always capable of verbal communication. For example, have you ever been uncomfortable at a loud party and incapable of yelling at that friend across the room that it’s probably time to go? If only you could have signed: “grab your keys!” Yes, this is an extremely specific example, but it’s still an instance in which signing could be beneficial.

In other scenarios, ASL could serve as a life-saving tool, rather than just a convenient exit strategy. It could be as simple as a firefighter communicating with his fellow hero in a burning building, a scuba diving instructor informing you that there is a great white approaching you from behind, or even a police officer communicating with his fellow officers while silently maneuvering through a home.

3. It is a gorgeous language.

It is beside the point that ASL is growing in popularity and will likely become more and more useful in the coming decades, because it deserves to be taught and learned solely based on its beauty and complexity alone. ASL is in a category of its own.

This is not to say it must differ from verbal language, however. ASL still incorporates many of the same qualities of traditional conversation. For example, one can sign more aggressively to express anger. Facial expressions are utilized to show mood or context. ASL is multifaceted, and because of this it carries a significant amount of complexity and intricacy.

4. ASL is not just for the audibly impaired

While ASL may appear to only serve the deaf, it also applies to others as well. ASL has proven to be an incredibly helpful tool for certain demographics that struggle to express themselves verbally, despite being capable of doing so.

The autistic community, specifically autistic youth, is an excellent example of a community that benefits from the language. There are, of course, many aspects of verbal communication that enhance an effective dialogue besides the words themselves. Because of this, those with autism often experience difficulties in comprehending a broad range of meanings for the concepts and relations expressed through words. ASL can provide an effective communication outlet for those who struggle with verbal language

With this unique form of communication, we are all on the same playing field, and those who find it difficult to communicate verbally can now excel in a different format.

If you are curious about the role certain other languages can play in our lives, (or how we can assist in translating them!) contact us here, or check out our blog.