As you know, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued 2018 guidelines for EOC (Evidence of Coverage) and ANOC (Annual Notice of Change) earlier this year. You’ve probably already sent many of your notices to meet fall deadlines, but if you’re still creating materials to meet December 2017 deadlines (listed in Section 60.6 of Contract Year 2018 Medicare Marketing Guidelines), or you haven’t created translated versions of the required marketing materials for your Limited English Proficiency (LEP) populations, VIA can help. With more than 5,000 translators and more than 15 years of healthcare experience, we have the capacity and experience to turn around high-quality healthcare translation projects to meet tight deadlines.
Review Section 60.6 of Contract Year 2018 Medicare Marketing Guidelines to ensure you are meeting the 2018 ANOC and EOC requirements, as well as the below requirements for notifying non-English
Speaking Populations, as stated in section 30.5 of Contract Year 2018 Medicare Marketing Guidelines. And be sure to review guidelines specific to your own state.
Give us a call for all your translation needs at 1-800-737-8481.
30.5 Requirements Pertaining to Non-English-Speaking Populations 42 CFR 422.111(h)(1), 422.112(a)(8), 423.128(d)(1)(iii), 422.2264(e), 423.2264(e)
Plans/Part D Sponsors must make the marketing materials identified in sections 30.6, 30.7, 30.10, and the Part D Transition Letter(s) available in any language that is the primary language of at least five (5) percent of a Plan’s/Part D Sponsor’s PBP service area. Final populated translations of all marketing materials must be submitted in Health Plan Management System (HPMS) (see section 90.2 for material submission process).
Note: The enrollee ID card is excluded from this requirement.
For additional information regarding notice and tagline requirements, please refer to Appendix A and B to Part 92 of Section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.