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Here at VIA, we believe in supporting our community by offering pro bono services, volunteering our time and making charitable donations to those in need. With the holidays right around the corner, it is time to select the winners of the 2015 VIA Translation Grant.

This year we are opening up the application process to all nonprofit or pro bono organizations that serve limited English proficiency (LEP) communities. First place will receive $2,000 of in-kind translation services and the runner up will receive $1,000 of in-kind translation services to support their underserved, ethnic communities.

Local nonprofit and service organizations are invited to submit a grant application to through October 30, 2015. Grant application instructions are located here.

A selection committee will narrow down and identify the projects that provide the most long term benefits to the community. The public will then be invited to vote and determine which projects will receive grant funding.

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