As you know, on May 18, 2016, the Department of Health and Human Services published its final rule on how to apply the standards of Section 1557 to HHS-administered health programs and activities. There was some controversial language regarding paragraph 92.201, which regulates, “Meaningful Access for Individuals With Limited English Proficiency,” particularly about machine translations.
The rule specifically says that all machine translations must be reviewed by a qualified translator in order to fulfill a covered entity’s obligation under § 92.201(a). However, HHS went on to say that some translation technologies, such as translation memory, can be advantageous “when used along with a qualified translator who independently verifies the accuracy and quality of the translation.”
So, we wrote a short article for the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association to explain what this means for healthcare providers seeking to provide meaningful access for their LEP communities. Read it now: The Ruling of Machine Translations… HHS Approval?
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