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What is Machine Translation and When Should You Use It?

By July 19, 2016No Comments




Machine translation (MT) is the process by which computer software is used to translate text from one natural language to another.

Most modern MT engines including Microsoft Translator, Google Translate, Moses and Systran use a hybrid of rules for grammar, lexicons and subject specific terminology combined with statistical methods that match commonly used phrases and translations together.

Human Translation vs. Machine Translation

While human translations may be more precise, MT can be cost and time effective, as well as secure. Though MT may not be able to replace a human translator, it can greatly improve their efficiency or be applied to content where a human approach is not time or cost effective.

For example, with millions of documents in each terabyte of data, finding enough bilingual attorneys to review the content in a timely fashion, can be an impossible task. As a result, more organizations are implementing Machine Translation to augment the cross-border eDiscovery process.

Increased Security

The use of MT can also improve a company’s data security footprint through its automation. Each person who gains access to a document creates a new security vulnerability. MT allows for exacting security protocols and controlled access, making such translations potentially more secure than either human translation or bilingual in-region review.

Optimized Workflow & Scalability

VIA has developed a proprietary solution to increase the throughput of traditional MT software while maintaining the directory structure and adhering to your organization’s information governance policies. Our enterprise-grade, cloud-based machine translation process can be easily scaled up and down to accommodate changes in business and language needs, reducing ramp-up costs and accelerating turn-around time.

Learn more about the process we use to deliver the most effective translations and increase the efficiency of the review process.



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