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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released “Guidance and Population Data for Exchanges, Qualified Health Plan Issuers, and Web-Brokers to Ensure Meaningful Access by Limited-English Proficient (LEP) Speakers” compiling information about five different language accessibility requirements.

The Technical Guidance included a state-by-state audit of the top 15 non-English languages in each state and of the languages spoken by 10 percent of a state’s population. The guidance also provided samples of translated taglines for use on websites and “critical documents” in each of the 63 languages that appear on one of the lists. Where an entity’s service area covers more than one state, the top 15 languages may be determined by aggregating the top 15 languages spoken by all LEP individuals in the total population of all states.

So, our own Karen Donovan, wrote this article for Bloomberg BNA to explain best practices for meeting these language access mandates.

Read it here: Tips for Meeting CMS 2017 Language Requirements.



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